Meet us on Google

Today, we would like to invite you to look around our office. Many clients ask us about our location because they would like to visit and talk about the possible purchase of a cabin.

While considering to buy a portable cabin, first thing clients often would like to know is what are their options. This means seeing what our cabins look like. Visiting our website is the quickest way to see examples of cabins we provide. Often the next step for a client is to see one of our cabins in reality. Our office often serves as a quick example of one of the cabins of our design simply because its easy for clients to access and possible to have a proper look around. We hope that viewing our office through google maps is a good way to give you a glimpse of the real 3D experience of our cabins before you even come here. Looking around our office through google maps, we hope, is beneficial to your idea of what to expect. It can serve as a preview before meeting with us.

We are based in Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Chesterton, Barker Street, as you can easily find out from our website. Whether you would like to arrange a meeting with us or just simply want to look around our office, there is an easy way to do that from the comfort of your home before you actually visit in person. It is to find us on google maps. We recommend using one of the two ways in order to find us on google maps. Either follow the link below or read on about the second option. Through the link, you will be able to look around the outside of the office as well as inside. The link will take you straight away to the street view in front of our office,,-2.245377,3a,75y,242.04h,90.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipMKU0w5P5YD-RsWbf9Yc9hpSHeKmhA-Yx-coE7F!2e10!7i10000!8i5000!4m5!3m4!1s0x487a5d5b2fefa679:0x98c68bd0ed2c3f26!8m2!3d53.0348822!4d-2.2451538

Alternatively, you can open google maps and type in the search box “KC Cabins Solutions”, which will provide you with our address, telephone and an option to look around the office. Click on the first photo featured, below the address line, and have a browse.

Do not hesitate, give us a call and meet us in person. In the meantime, you can look around our office virtually. When you come over, we will explain how it’s been made and answer any questions you may have. After listening to your needs and expectations, we can create our proposed design. During your visit here, you will be able to look around in real life and consider any more possible questions regarding our portable cabins.

We look forward to meeting you.

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