
While planning the interior design of your new portable office, you may want to include some plants within the design. When, in the past, we discussed the subject of plants in the building interiors, we promised to discuss the subject of outdoor plants as well.

There are four beneficial elements that make up the idea of outdoor plants irresistible;

  • Environment
  • Health
  • Design
  • Branding


While discussing plants within the interior design of a portable office we talked about Bill Wolverton, a scientist who previously worked for NASA. His research for improving the quality of water and air with the use of plants concluded with publishing two books on both of those subjects. Wolverton not only succeeded with his research proving that plants have positive effects on reducing volatile compounds from the air but he also published a list of plants which are best for that. Via Wolverton’s research, we are aware of the additional quality of plants also improving water quality.

As numerous discussions among scientists regarding the subject of global warming and its consequences are heating up around the globe we are all aware of the plants’ ability to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) levels as well as reducing other negative compounds present in the air. We may then want to consider investing our time into the subject of the importance of plants.

Other than the improvement of air quality while introducing plants to your local environment, encouraging wildlife growth could be seen as an additional benefit of the presence of plants. Larger amounts of plants will naturally encourage wildlife growth. In fact, if your portable office is based in an area with no greenery present at all, your landscape architect may suggest particular plants, in order to encourage certain species. You could for instance plant the type of greenery encouraging the presence of bees. Additionally, if your portable office is based along a busy road, you could benefit from plants’ noise reducing qualities. This again will encourage wildlife to flourish.

If you would like to gain more insight and have a wider-reaching positive impact on local environment, you can research particular plants and their effects on wildlife or get more insightful advice from specialized garden designers, landscape architect or a wildlife trust.

In consequence, introducing more plants outside of your portable office will benefit the environment.


Following from the above section on the environment, the next three sections could be seen as additional benefits or positive effects of the above. As already discussed, Wolverton researched not only the general idea of plants improving the air and water quality but also produced a list of plants which work best for it. A copy of his report can be found here More insightful information can also be found through many books and other sources, such as for example “Plant Biology Research and Training for the 21st Century” book which explains the importance of plants and also suggests certain solutions.

One of the most important conclusions when it comes to the general benefits of plants is their positive effect on our physical health. Other than the discussed benefit of plants as air cleaning device which in consequence is good for our physical health, there is the importance of the impact of our physical health into our emotional health as well. Presence of plants has positive effects on reducing stress levels. Plants are believed to have a positive impact on hospital patients and could, therefore, be used as part of illness recovery. Wolverton’s research, discussed above, lead to inquiry of effects of plants onto patient’s recovery. This lead to Wolverton’s starting cooperation with another company on the design of ecology gardens for hospitals.

As an employer, you could also look at an additional bonus of plants because when our physical and emotional health improves it leads to raised productivity at work.

The benefits of plants seem to be never-ending.


Plants on the outside of your portable office may also improve and compliment the overall design of the building, boosting the general image of the company at the same time. When planning the design of the building surroundings with the use of greenery, it is worth considering neighbouring areas. If surrounding areas are mainly concrete, your portable building could provide a role of green escape. If it’s opposite and the area around your portable building is already green, your design could be seen as an extension of the natural world.

The design can be discussed with your landscape architect who will present you with multiple options. While thinking about the design, we advise considering all the beneficial elements of plants discussed in this article so that you can plan how many of those elements you really want to benefit from. The local environment, health, and branding can be seen as part of the whole outdoor garden design. This is part of the design planning. If you are taking advice from garden designer or landscape architect, make sure, that you stress these elements to him/her.


Another valid reason of the presence of plants on the outside of your portable building is branding. Your company’s image is built via many elements and decisions you undertake. It is built through your social media, your website, your customer relations, the values you stand for and portray will built your company’s image. This also includes how your portable building/office looks like and if you care for the environment and your local surroundings. This is part of your branding because it influences the way your clients feel about your company. It influences the way clients see you as a brand. Therefore, do use all the beneficial elements discussed above (environment, health, design) as part of your branding in order to show your clients what you care and stand for and what’s important to your brand. Through that, you will build the idea of your brand in your clients’ eyes.

Summarising the above four benefits of plants to our local surroundings, it is safe to say that plants play a very important role in our lives. It is then worth investing in plants, no matter where the reasoning behind our investment lies. Whether it is to all four discussed benefits, our planet or our own personal benefit, plants are definitely a long-term investment we should all consider to make.

World Environment Day

Following up on our last subject of modular buildings being a possible greener option, we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate a special day with you. Every year on the 5th of June world celebrates World Environment Day.

This year’s country chosen as a host for World Environment Day is Canada and theme chosen for today is “Connecting People to Nature”. The idea behind this year’s theme is to invite everyone to get outdoors and into nature in order to appreciate its beauty as well as importance.

It is also to take the call to protect Earth that we all share together. World Environment Day is for everyone, everywhere. It began in 1972 and today it’s here again.

For more information on World Environment Day 2017 you can visit and in order to take part follow links on the website or alternatively have a look at following links, each for a different approach to be part of it , , .

We believe in being greener and safer to our planet and we will follow this subject further. Today let’s celebrate World Environment Day and let’s all ask ourselves what can we do to be kind to our planet whether we think of building industry or just simply in our daily lives?

Is Modular Greener?

There are certain environmental advantages in using modular building construction in comparison to traditional structures which could be seen as large step forward towards using greener structures, especially currently when we, as a society, are trying to consider more in terms of the environmental impact we have on our planet.

Factory production equals less pollution

Production techniques are much less wastefull and production on site is less disruptive in comparison to traditional structures.
Because modular buildings are constructed on factory site, many materials are reused and/or properly disposed of before transporting building on site. This means that there is less harmful actions undertaken in terms of disruption to local environment which substantially reduces any possibility of pollution not only on site but also less impact on existing adjacent structures already there.

The use and re-use of steel

Framing used in modular buildings is made of steel. Steel is a strong and relatively light material, particularly in comparison to traditional structures. As a material steel does not deteriorate nor rot in internal use. Steel can be bolted, welded, have cut openings etc. This makes steel a very good building material. Above all that, steel is a recyclable material. A Large percentage of new steel production is with re-use of old steel. This means that even if building is deconstructed in the future, there will be minimal waste and steel can be recycled.

Less waste and less impact on site

The construction period is much shorter and this is the main reason of less of an environmental impact on site. Because modular buildings are pre-constructed units, it means less waste on site.
Labour requirements on site are not as large which means fewer workers and contractors and this equals with less disruption again.
Foundation for the building is minimized and there will be less waste produced and less disruption to local environment.
Another factor is relatively light steel construction talked about above which lessens the need for expensive heavy site equipment.
Finally, less noise is created during quick and relatively easy site construction. This creates less disruption on site and adjacent properties will be less likely affected by construction.

Less CO2

Modular buildings have good thermal insulation which in longer terms of usage means fewer requirements for heating and that leads to smaller energy use which equals with less CO2 emissions.

Deconstruction and/or relocation

Modular buildings can be reconstructed and/or moved from location to location with relatively low costs and certainly with less disruption in comparison to traditional structures. Waste would be minimized with the possibility of recycling most materials used.

All of the above proves that compared to traditional structures, modular buildings can be seen as a greener option.

3 Fun Facts About Modular Construction

1. Modular buildings are flexible and can be customised to suit your budget

Modular construction can be easily dismantled and re-assembled to another location.  In some cases, the entire building can be recycled thus reducing the need for new raw materials.  In the technical term of the word “flexibility,” any building — modular or traditional — is quite rigid. However, when it comes to budgets, time frame, specifications and location modular buildings provide a great deal of flexibility.

It terms of budget constraints, modular buildings will give you the option of renting temporarily or purchasing permanently depending on what you can afford. Modular construction companies can customise models to meet your specific requirements. You can also choose from a range of designs, which can help you stay within your budget. According to a report by the Building Industry Association of Philadelphia, going modular can reduce construction cost by 9 to 20 percent.

2. Quick construction does not compromise on quality

The controlled factory environment in which each individual module is built makes it easy to closely monitor the quality of materials being used. Even during the construction inside the factory, there are timely inspections done by trained engineers to ensure top-notch quality of the finished product. While assembling the building on-site, there are state-imposed codes and regulations to which the construction company must adhere. Combining quality construction with record timing, a modular construction company in China recently built a 57-story building in just 19 days.

3. Modular buildings are resource and energy efficient

One of the defining characteristics of modular construction is that it is a lot more resource efficient than traditional construction because it results in almost no waste of time, energy and material resources. Not only can modular construction reduce energy consumption during the building process by around 67 percent, it also reduces energy costs for its occupants.

Today, most modular buildings (homes, schools, hospitals and even prisons) are constructed with the sole intention of being energy efficient. This means using energy efficient glass for windows, installing solar panels and water heaters, and using geothermal systems instead of traditional HVAC systems are all a part of modular construction.

The newly constructed Sky City in China used approximately 200,000 tons of steel, and can withstand earthquakes of a magnitude of up to 9.0 on the Richter scale, as well as resist fires for up to three hours. This 220-story high-rise will house 31,400 people and will use just a fifth of the energy required by a conventional building.

The Benefits of Temporary Buildings

For any business, staying strong during turbulent economic years can be a trial. So if you see an opportunity to maximise your growth, you have to take it, right?

Problem is, for many businesses, this brings with it the need to grow physically in order to accommodate more equipment, more people and/or more products. So for businesses dependent on physical space to grow, is it worth taking the risk of buying or renting new premises, or building an extension on your current premises?

Because if that growth has a limited time frame and gradually fades away, you are left with unwanted space and a binding financial commitment.

It’s for this reason that many businesses are turning to temporary buildings as a solution to their spacing problems. So what are their main benefits?

The first benefit is speed. Since they don’t require foundations, temporary buildings can be installed quickly and efficiency – sometimes in as little as 4 days.

The materials required for temporary buildings are readily available, saving you time on procurement and logistics. Because they’re readily available, they’re quick to transport to site so you can save a significant amount on shipping costs, compared to materials used in more traditional constructions.

What’s more, if you no longer require the structure, they are equally quick and easy to dismantle and take away, with many suppliers offering buy-back options as an added bonus.

Four Benefits of Portable Buildings for Business

Minimal Distractions For Business

Organising the development of your business location can be highly frustrating. Out of hours construction isn’t cheap, though neither is the loss of productivity that without question be encountered when construction takes place during office hours. Modular buildings are the number 1 solution to this problem, as the buildings are pre-fabricated, with up to 90% of the construction carried out off-site in a factory environment. And as little as 10% of the construction taking place on-site, therefore noise and disruption are considerably reduced.

Time Saving

Contradictory to traditional construction, modular techniques enable different parts to be carried out at the same time e.g. the ceilings can be constructed simultaneously to the walls. This would not be possible using the old method of construction. The construction of individual components can also take place at the same time as the initial site work. These advantages clearly reduce construction times, making sure that your building is completed in as little time as physically possible. As the majority of the construction work is under taken in a factory, lots of potential delays can be tackled before they even happen e.g. the project’s timeline is highly unlikely to be disrupted by any inconvenient weather.

Environmentally Friendly

Modular buildings are a fantastic option if you are worried about your businesses environmental contribution. According to a recent study carried out independently, it’s now possible to reduce wasted materials by up to 90% by selecting modular buildings over old fashioned construction style. As well as the reduced wastage, the materials used in the modular development can regularly be recycled. If you no longer have need for the modular building, the components can be recycled within your company, or could be reused at an alternative site. Construction plans utilising modular techniques are likely to have a lower carbon footprint than traditional alternatives. Fewer vehicles are required to transport materials to and from the construction site, resulting in lower emissions. The majority of the building is delivered at the end of the project, when it is ready to be installed.

Installation of Flexible Solutions

The needs of your business are constantly evolving, which can make it difficult to commit to a particular building solution. Traditional construction methods are rigid, affording little flexibility. Should your requirements change in the future, additional building work can be costly and time consuming. With modular construction, your building can evolve along with your needs. The modules can often be deconstructed and reassembled in different configurations, reducing the time and cost associated with making changes to your building.

The Value of Modular Buildings & How They Can Save You Money

There are multiple reasons as to why and how modular buildings can save you money more than conventionally built structures. The purpose of this article is to examine the pivotal reasons behind the cost savings connected to making the decision to buy a modular building. Also, how KC Cabins Solutions engineering strategies saves client’s money and increases the value of the completed building.

Defined perfectly by the office of management and budget, engineering or ‘analysis’ is “an organised effort directed at analysing the functions of systems, equipment, facilities, services, and supplies for the purpose of achieving essential functions at the lowest life-cycle cost consistent with the required performance, reliability, quality, and safety.”

VE concepts have been implemented to construction projects in numerous ways. The purpose of VA is to improve the cost an owner receives from a constructed project. This value can be demonstrated as the relationship between the functional benefits of a project and the cost required to carry them out. Improved value results from optimising this relationship can be demonstrated by the following…

Cost ÷ Functional Benefits = Value

KC Cabins regularly introduces value engineering strategies to seek the optimum result for the client’s requests. Applying VE concepts to Palomar projects for several years gives us the experience to expedite the process on successive projects.