The Value of Modular Buildings & How They Can Save You Money
There are multiple reasons as to why and how modular buildings can save you money more than conventionally built structures. The purpose of this article is to examine the pivotal reasons behind the cost savings connected to making the decision to buy a modular building. Also, how KC Cabins Solutions engineering strategies saves client’s money and increases the value of the completed building.
Defined perfectly by the office of management and budget, engineering or ‘analysis’ is “an organised effort directed at analysing the functions of systems, equipment, facilities, services, and supplies for the purpose of achieving essential functions at the lowest life-cycle cost consistent with the required performance, reliability, quality, and safety.”
VE concepts have been implemented to construction projects in numerous ways. The purpose of VA is to improve the cost an owner receives from a constructed project. This value can be demonstrated as the relationship between the functional benefits of a project and the cost required to carry them out. Improved value results from optimising this relationship can be demonstrated by the following…
Cost ÷ Functional Benefits = Value
KC Cabins regularly introduces value engineering strategies to seek the optimum result for the client’s requests. Applying VE concepts to Palomar projects for several years gives us the experience to expedite the process on successive projects.